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Tips For Compounding Hazardous Drugs In Your Pharmacy

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If you operate a compound pharmacy, then you might like providing alternate solutions for your customers. However, so far, you might not have worked much with hazardous drugs in your pharmacy. It's true that there are various concerns that go along with doing so, but you may want to provide this service for your customers if at all possible. Luckily, following these tips can help you with safely compounding hazardous drugs in your pharmacy.

Stay Up-to-Date

For one thing, if you are going to be storing, compounding and selling hazardous drugs in your pharmacy, it is important to make sure that your business is fully compliant when you are doing so. Since the rules and regulations that surround these matters are always changing, it's important to make sure that you stay up to date. As you probably already know, there can be serious consequences for not abiding by these types of regulations in your pharmacy.

Choose the Right Employees for the Job

Not just everyone should handle hazardous drugs, particularly when mixing them for customers. Therefore, it's important for you to make sure that you only have experienced pharmacists and other medical professionals handling and mixing these hazardous drugs in your place of business; this can help you ensure that the job is done right.

Focus on Regular, Additional Training for Pharmacists

Even though you might have chosen the best and most experienced pharmacists for handling the hazardous drugs in your pharmacy, make sure that you put them through regular additional training that is related to the hazardous drugs that they will be working with; this can help you ensure that your pharmacists keep their minds fresh and don't forget anything important about handling the hazardous drugs that they work with on a daily basis. It's also a good way to make sure that they stay up-to-date on any regulatory changes that might be applicable to your factory.

Ensure Hazardous Drugs are Stored Properly

Even when your pharmacists aren't handling and working with hazardous drugs, they can pose a danger. Make sure that you follow all safety protocols (like following the NIOSH ctsd protocol) when storing hazardous drugs in your pharmacy. Make sure that they are kept secure and that they cannot be easily accessed by someone who is not authorized to work with them, and ensure that those who will be handling and storing them in your factory are aware of all of the safety protocols that go along with doing so.
