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Tips For Compounding Hazardous Drugs In Your Pharmacy

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If you operate a compound pharmacy, then you might like providing alternate solutions for your customers. However, so far, you might not have worked much with hazardous drugs in your pharmacy. It’s true that there are various concerns that go along with doing so, but you may want to provide this service for your customers if at all possible. Luckily, following these tips can help you with safely compounding hazardous drugs in your pharmacy. Read More»

What A Nebulizer Does And The Types You Can Buy

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If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD, you may need to take breathing treatments at home to help ease your shortness of breath and keep you out of the emergency room. Your doctor can prescribe medication and a nebulizer so you’ll have everything you need to take your medication on time and manage your condition. Here is some information about nebulizers and the types you can buy. The Purpose Of A Nebulizer Read More»